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(2 edits)

I feel like if it had 11 endings instead of 12, it would be really meta

Best boy is Roger, although Van is pretty cool too.

The voice acting for the random driver is simply too much for me to handle. It's angelic-like harmony permeates throughout my body, I've never, AND I MEAN NEVER, heard a (and I quote) "RAAAA!!!!" so powerful. It endlessly bounced on the fiber of my very soul, making me feel auburn, crimson, skirmish, and overall, extremely pedantic.


I put the things Van said in the epilogue in VSynth to make it an actual synthetized voice, it did not turn out nicely lmao

Best ending is ending #3. Roger's ending would be cool but having a romantic relationship with your boss isn't exactly ethic.  Ethics aside tho, it would be the best one. I mean, we potentially get more than just a billion we get a very good bf yeah.

Roger doesn't know how fractions work hahah, no wonder he leaves all the paperwork to Del. 20 is 1/3 of the clock, not a fourth

How does Glenn get 11 results from a 6-sided? This man out here looking at the fourth dimension to get his results

Onto editing text:

"I roll my eyes, but does as he says" Shouldn't it be "do"?

Shouldn't it be "favoritism" instead of "favortism"?

Shouldn't it be "necessary" instead of "nescessary"?

Shouldn't it be "legalese" instead of "legaleese"? (Ironic)

Shouldn't it be "decision" instead of "descision"?

Shouldn't it be "adamant" instead of "adament"?

To be fair, this VN grew on me, it's pretty cool now that I've finished it. The writing is good, the art is great, I dunno what else to say.

I do wonder though, when exactly this happened in the BB series. I guess after the punniest pun messter, cuz of the increased organ harvesting


Loved it. Loved all of the characters, loved the completely bonkers storylines, loved every single route (I'm still trying to decide which guy I like the most, but they're all pretty damn adorable), loved the voice acting (especially the particularly handsome-sounding guy who played Parker). I think that pretty much sums it up!


Once again being invaded by puns lmaooo its hilarious. I love it!

Hehehe El has been rubbing off on me xD

So pleased you enjoyed it!

(1 edit) (+1)

CHANCE DICE!! Hm! It rolled a 5, and that means I'll have to comment on how HILARIOUS this game is! I love the puns, how engaging the writing is, the funny moments, and the secondhand embarrassment is real haha! Van is best boi and I love the CGs and the voice talents really put their heart and soul in their performance, GREAT JOB TO ALL OF YOU. Anyway, ahem, sorry for the messy comment but yes I friggin love it and I'm honored to be your sprite artist (I've got a lot to improve on haha). Anyway, all your visual novels seem to have a tagline somewhere that I always remember at the back of my mind, such as "IT IS TIME", but this time it's "CHANCE DICE!!!". El.Seth rolling out!

I am so pleased you enjoyed the final product and find it memorable! I'm so glad it made you laugh and was honored to have you as my sprite artist!