A random sci-fi TTRPG appears!


So.... I whipped up my second TTRPG, and this time, it's set in space and for 2-players! (But it does have 3-player and 1-player modes). This was an idea swimming in my head for a long time, but I had a really bad writer's block on how to write it all out. Upon coming across One Scene Jam, however, it really sparked my muse and I was able to construct this simple game in one day, hahaha. When you got the muse, don't let it go. 

I just tested the game out with my brother, using the default armour stats. We won against the mothership, but just BARELY. So the game is very much doable, it's just a little on the hard side. We were lucky to get Kings in our piles to upgrade the ship's direct shot damage (determined by black cards, the red cards are indirect shots during the opponent's turn which cannot be modified). As the game states, it's two amateur pilots that have survived merely by luck vs. a huge Mothership, so of course it's not gonna be easy. Not impossible, but not easy haha. 

Anyway, I hope you all have fun. The game is free, as usual, so give it a shot if you're ever bored. I always wanted to try making a tabletop with some action in it, and I wanted the combat system to be simple and straight to the point. It also uses a deck of playing cards, which majority of people have lying around their house--if not, it's very easy to obtain. 

Have a nice weekend! Hope you fair well against the Mothership (unless you're the one commanding it lol). 


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Jun 13, 2020

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