Devlog - Screenshots!

I finally have some screenshots to show you! I'm already done applying all but one background to the demo! I also programmed 1 CG and 1 chibi CG, and a test run of Alina's sprites! I'll be working on implementing all of Alina's sprites today.

So, let's have a look shall we? (Note these will not be in order haha)

Here's Alina's sprite in action! How long was she waiting outside his door, I wonder?

Stephen is an MC you can see, so he gets a CG too! (This is actually the second CG in the game's prologue, the first one will be of Alina--but you have to wait until demo release to see it!)

The first choice menu! You can decide how long Stephen has known Alina!

And that is all for today! I haven't added these to the main page since I will wait until release to decide what screenshots to display!

Backgrounds credits;

Uncle Mugen, Pixabay, Potat0Master

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