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Currently writing a journal with this game, super fun so far and I'm only on day 4! I have to now think up which direction I want to take the next prompt which is making me excited to continue it, thank you for putting this one up!!

I am so pleased you're enjoying it! I hope you're having a fantastic adventure, and good luck


This game is really easy to play and I love journaling the adventures. I also use game icons to inspire further story lines. I use the Twilight 2000 character personality guide (using the playing card theme), for establishing personality traits of those who I encounter. This game is endless fun, in fact, I am going beyond 13 days.

I'm happy you're enjoying this game! It's the TTRPG I have put the most effort in making so far! ^^

(1 edit)

Anything on the horizon to expand 13 Days? Are you aware of any forums, people are submitting 13 Days journal entries? Which other TTRPG’s journaling tools do you personally use, to enhance game play?

Hello again! I have thought of making more games with different adventures and genres that use the 13 Days mechanic. As for if there's anything more for 13 Days specifically, as of right now, no. But if I ever get a hit of inspiration, I could try expanding it with more prompts!

I am not aware if any forums are showcasing playthroughs of 13 Days. I know the game was listed on a reddit post of free TTRPGs. but that's about it.

I have not really used other journaling tools to enhance gameplay before, but it's something I'd like to try out!


I am SO excited to try this!!!!!!

Hope you enjoy it!