Interested in a 13 Days based Twine jam?

Hello everyone!

First of all, I would like to thank everyone for making 13 Days my most popular TTRPG with 327 downloads! Wow! For awhile, my most popular TTRPG was my very first one, Ballad of a Desperate Hero. 

Now.... to the point....

I am sure many of you have heard of the engine Twine before. It's something I've recently been experimenting with, since I love its ease of use and how text adventures are laid out. And I thought it would be cool to hold a Twine jam where the interactive fiction you create is based on or heavily inspired by your own 13 Days playthrough! You can make the romp totally linear, exact to detail to your own playthrough, or create branches with how your playthrough went being the true ending, you could add puzzle and inventory mechanics in order to proceed, etc. etc. the possibilities are endless! It would be fun so I could get an idea of what some of your playthroughs may have looked like. It'd be a great way also if you wanted to expand upon the version of your post-apocalyptic world you crafted in your games. And, if you don't want to base it on your own playthrough, you could simply make up an entirely new game inspired by 13 Days' prompts as well as happening within the spam of 13 days!

It's just a thought and I'd like to garner interest first before actually hosting the jam. 

Anyway, thanks again for giving this TTRPG a try, I hope you've enjoyed your adventures and made it out alive!

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