13 Days' system + other adventures!

Once again, I am in awe how many downloads this little solo TTRPG is still getting. It's downloaded practically daily, and although the increments are small, it racks up pretty fast. 

Honestly this was one of the most fun I've had writing a TTRPG, where I thought hard about all of the prompts to keep things vague and open so the player could craft an experience unlike any other. I would love to venture into making other games with other themes and genres that use this same system I made for 13 Days, which is very simple and flexible. 

As you may have noticed, playing all 13 days does not completely exhaust a deck. However, this system could easily be created for longer lengths of times, because you can always shuffle your deck after you've exhausted it. The fun thing was having a morning, day, and night cycle, so each day has 3 events happen. I'm not sure what to officially name the system, but because of 13 Days' success, I'd like to write a PDF of just the system itself to allow players to use it to create their own unique adventures! You'll be able to make your own prompt tables, maybe even play with friends if you so desire, or you can just keep going along on a solo adventure! So that's one of the things on the backburner. and then it'll allow me to maybe just write campaign books for the system, and hey, if anyone else want to make their own adventure for the system, be my guest. So keep your eyes peeled for that!

Right now I am busy with returning to computer game dev'ing, which is exciting, so that takes priority, but I may release another game or two in my spare time with this system, and then the system itself. Like I said, it's a very simple, flexible system, so I am sure you can pair it with other systems as well for all kinds of adventure. 

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